For confidentiality and security purposes a user will be requested to select and confirm their password. Only the user will then know the password selected to access their profile.
Once a profile is successfully created the user will be in a position to access their profile to REGISTER A DISPUTE Creating an ADR UBUNTU profile is FREE OF ANY CHARGE for all users.
All users (individuals or entities) will be positioned to register disputes on the platform without incurring any costs.
Once logged in the RESPONDENT shall be diverted to an information template where they will be requested to confirm and/or amend the information initially provided by the APPLICANT. Once finalized then RESPONDENT will then be positioned to respond to the dispute.
Once the RESPONDENT files his response a STATEMENT OF RESPONSE will be sent the APPLICANT via email and/SMS.
Once a mediator is selected and allocated both Parties will then receive an email informing them as to the identity of the person appointed to mediate the dispute. The Registrar will then also allocate a time and date for the initial online mediation session. An email will also be sent to all Parties.
The principal role of the appointed mediator is to facilitate communication between the Parties in conflict with a view to helping them reach a voluntary resolution to their dispute that is timely, fair and cost-effective. Mediators cannot adjudicate and make a decision on behalf of the Parties regarding the dispute.
The costs relating to the drafting and finalization of the settlement agreement is included into the costs as set out in the fee schedule unless the service is rendered pro bono (for free).
The Parties are then at liberty to either (a) follow the traditional litigation route through the Courts, or (b) refer the dispute to arbitration for resolution. The latter being the more cost effective, time efficient and confidential option to consider.